Sunday, February 24, 2013

what have you been up to lately?

- Clearly not blogging. sorry about that, guys.

- Just finished Going Clear. Goodness gracious the culture around Scientology is fascinatingly bonkers. Highly recommend this read. Drawback: the book jumped around a lot. I prefer a chronological approach when it comes to 'nonfiction', so the jumping around was not my favorite.

- Currently re-reading Hamlet. It's been 14 years since I've last read it, and I still love it. Heck yeah, Horatio.

- Officially all caught up on True Blood.

- Obsessed with smoothies. Delicious, delicious smoothies.


- Marathon training begins again soon and I am a little too excited about it. I should probably just train year round because I dig it so much.

- Need to go dancing. Soon. More electro in my life, please.

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