Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Question Game

We've played this before. Here's the deal: Ask me questions and I'll answer them. Ask anything you like. The weirder the better.

Feel free to comment on this entry with your inquisitions.



Shelby said...

Dear Lola,

My cat had his balls chopped off years ago, but he still humps things like blankets. Why is this?

Anthony said...

Why is it that women leave their underwear on as if its the impenetrable force during making out? Your already passed it with your hand, but she wont let you take them off to be able to work better. As if the underwear have magical ability to not allow for sex.

skottey said...

I like to keep my cheese fresh. I don't know what the guys in the Pearl Jam do with their cheese. Can you tell me what the guys in the Pearl Jam do with their cheese?