Sunday, June 3, 2012

hearts and stabs 6.3.12

- spotify. can't stop making mixes.
- related: say hi to your mom - blah blah blah
- washington square park, the philadelphia one.
- Tabitha Soren's Photos of People Running
- nba playoffs
- YeahNoYeah Posters. thinking about getting the B.
- marinated tomatoes. just tried a modified version of this recipe. most excellent.

- allergy season. zombie itchy eyes get two thumbs down.
- spain
- related: merkel's frowny face. can we please talk about her frowny face? can't handle it.
- game of thrones season finale is tonight. please kill joffrey and not tyrion. this "stab" will move under "hearts" if that happens. WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS?!
- prolonged, tense, awkwardness complimented by impatience and existential dilemmas. in other words, i'm going to write a country album and it's going to be effing brilliant. 
- that spider that belayed from the ceiling in my bathroom. not welcome. do not want.

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