Sunday, March 29, 2009

shamwow guy v. chompy hooker = hooker win?

vince shlomi, of slapchop and shamwow fame, was busted for felony battery of a prostitute in a south beach hotel.

"According to an arrest affidavit, Shlomi met Sasha Harris, 26, at a Miami Beach nightclub on February 7 and subsequently retired with her to his $750 room at the lavish Setai hotel. Shlomi told cops he paid Harris about $1000 in cash after she "propositioned him for straight sex." Shlomi said that when he kissed Harris, she suddenly "bit his tongue and would not let go." Shlomi then punched Harris several times until she released his tongue."

Follow the smoking gun link above for mugshot goodness. amazing.

i think shamwow's profits are gonna triple...

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