Monday, February 9, 2009

it's the little things: hearts and pet peevs

- winterfresh flavored gum
- when ipod shuffle reads my mind
- rice cakes of all flavors
- when the lady in the cube next door swears and yells at people. it's amazing. she is so quiet and then BAM! it's all eff this and eff that. she once threw a ruler. it was awesome.
- warmish february weather
- wallace, the adorable little hell beast
- my newly acquired iphone. HOW DID I LIVE WITHOUT IT? SERIOUSLY.
- related note, iphone applications... restaurant locator, bathroom finder, notes...
- sleeping

pet peeves:
- people who use the word squirel as a verb. as in "he is squireling that money away"
- the position of the computer on my work desk
- sidewalk hoggers
- kmart on market and 10th. i just accidentally bought expired salad dressing from this godforsaken place. not a week expired but 3 months. that's ridiculous. i will give stores have a 2 week grace period when it comes to expiration dates. but 3 months???
- the new sirens on all the ambulances. wow. loud.
- potential iphone issue: drunk emailing. i wrote a collaborative drunk email with my friend this weekend. we were having a conversation that we didn't want to forget, so we wrote an email to ourselves. WHY? NEVER DO THIS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...