Thursday, November 20, 2008


my 8K is on sunday morning, and my left calf and shin are a mess. i demoted myself down to the 8K from the half marathon due to my calf issues. but somehow this week, the calf deteriorated. is it psychosomatic? maybe. but it hurts to walk and put pressure on the stupid thing.

i cannot tell you how badly i want to run this. i am toying with the idea of popping an advil and running the race through the pain. is this smart? is this worth it? i do not know. but i'll probably decide on sunday.


1 comment:

Gonzo said...

This actually sounds similar to what I'm going through. It gets better as I run, but makes me limp for the first half mile or so. It's persisted for a few weeks. Also, it bothers me slightly when I walk down stairs.

I've decided to take a week off, using the exercise bike instead. Of course, I've fallen ill the last few days and haven't done anything, so whatever.

But if it's seriously causing you problems, especially just walking - I would seriously consider whether or not you want to run this and risk fucking yourself up even worse. But you know your body best, so just listen to it, I suppose.

Really, if it came down to it, you could just walk the 8k. Not what you want to do, but at least you won't feel like you've wasted your money.

At any rate, good luck!