Friday, March 30, 2007

penndot does not like me

My friend Jen stayed on my couch last night and had the pleasure of waking up at 7am to what she deemed "a symphony of construction."

To the left of my apartment building is a major road which has been blocked off into two lanes. At this site, the construction workers like to back their trucks up a lot so that they make that horrible beeping noise. I can now match the pitch of a truck backing up.

To the right of my apartment building is another construction site where the workers like to dig a big hole every Friday. They start digging the hole around 7am and by 5pm they cover the hole up again. They freaking love digging holes on Fridays. I haven't actually seen them put anything in the hole or take anything out of it. They just like to do it. And lucky for me, the big hole makes it impossible to get my car out of the parking lot and escape.

Next to the big hole is the renovation of a house. Those construction dudes just like to hammer things. I don't mind them as much. I just hate it when they play Foghat.

Generally I wouldn't mind the construction, but I'm fucking tired people. I'm exhausted. and a bit hungover.. and they keep backing their trucks up... and digging... and hammering... and using that big saw thing

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Anonymous said...

oooo... i hate the saw thingy. there's no warning then "eeeeeeeeeee"!

lola f. said...

yes! and just when you think they are done sawing... it keeps going!