Sunday, September 2, 2012

Epiphanies caused by running

Marathon training kicks into high gear in this month. Ran 18 miles yesterday.* It was more challenging mentally than physically. Based on yesterday's effort, I should be able to finish the marathon in less than 5 hours without dying.**

As a pathological overthinker***, running is the perfect time for me to obsess about things. It is my catharsis. Halfway across the Brooklyn Bridge I had such an epiphany about my life that I literally said out loud "That is totally fucked up."**** My apologies to the gaggle of tourists I startled with my outburst, but I'm sure they're over it.

Anyway, I have a lot of running epiphanies.***** I imagine this is related to why I suck at yoga, because I am 100% incapable of clearing my mind. I need monotonous, grueling, demon-exercising activity.****** Moral of the story? Point of this entry? I'm glad I quit smoking to start running again. 

*The route: Prospect Park, Flatbush, Fort Greene Park, Flushing Ave, Williamsburg Bridge, East River Bikeway, Brooklyn Bridge, Bergen, Flatbush again and finished at almost exactly at home.

**Let's hope.

***This is an understatement.

****So fucked up that I can't even get into it. But I know exactly what I have to do to fix it. 

*****Not all of them valuable, useful or insightful. 

****** Don't we all?

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