- christmas tree sales on random street corners
- alibi
- fort greene in general
- Parker Station pinot noir
- freestyling off of martha's recipes
- razor scooters
- excessive (and annual) facebook posts about the mariah carey christmas album
- cold, dark, windy nights
- the F and the G down for maintenance. again. booooo.
- britney. did she even have to show up to the studio for this?
- christmas tree sales on random street corners
- alibi
- fort greene in general
- Parker Station pinot noir
- freestyling off of martha's recipes
- razor scooters
- excessive (and annual) facebook posts about the mariah carey christmas album
- cold, dark, windy nights
- the F and the G down for maintenance. again. booooo.
- britney. did she even have to show up to the studio for this?